Lemhi Quarter Horses
Lemhi Quarter Horses
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Driftalong Dillon
Blackburn Poco Suede
Driftalong Dillon
2013 Buckskin Stallion
Sawyer Wood X Miss Turkey Wood
CHAMPION GENETICS in a talented Heel Horse! Trained and seasoned by trainer Cole Cooper in 2016 & 2017.
Sired by Sawyer Wood that was a Nationally Ranked Barrel Horse Sire to sire Top Barrel Futurity Horses including 2018 Futurity Horse Sawyers Frosted Moon LTE 16,000, 1D Money Winner. Sawyer Wood has also sired NBHA World Champions & ProRodeo Money earniers. From Tie-Down Roping, Team Roping, Barrels To Cutting, they can do it all!
CROSS THAT on the LEGENDARY MISS TURKEY WOOD! Ruzsa Broodmare Miss Turkey Wood is the dam to several talented horses from the Roping Box to the Barrel pen. Her biggest accomplishment is being dam to RU Drifting Joe the TEAM ROPING HEADING WORLD RECORD HOLDER, 2012 NFR Qualifier & Multiple Round Winner, 2012 Turquoise Circuit Champion amongst Top PRCA Rodeo Wins. DRIFTWOOD BREEDING AT ITS FINEST!
Dillon's full sister Lucy was futurity'd on, Dillons half brother Sawyers Game Changer was a finalist at the 2016 BFA World Championships and at the 2016 Old Fort Worth Days Futurity and also a consistent 1D placing.
Dillon's half brother, Sawyers Frosted Moon, has been futurity'd on and has currently $30k+ LTE and counting. -
5 Panel N/N and N/N for MYHM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFqut52qeWU RU Drifting Joe with Brock Hanson in Round 1 with a 4.7, also tied for first in Round 5 with a 3.7 at the 2012 NFR.
Based on Dillon's first foal crop and his parents, Dillon's genetic colors are Ee, Aa, Crcr
LIMITED FROZEN SEMEN AVAILABLE TO APPROVED MARES. Stud Fee $1,500 plus actual shipping costs.

Dillon Heeling with Cole Cooper

Blackburn Poco Suede
2016 Dun Stallion
Jaz Acero Hombre X Poco Blakburn 299
Suede is 100% Foundation through NFQHA.
5 Panel N/N and N/N for MYHM
**Suede is not available to the public**
Homozygous Black (EE Aa DnN)
8.98% Blackburn, 23.83% Poco Bueno, 16.99% King, 6.05% Yellow Jacket & 7.03% Pretty Buck
Jaz Acero Hombre's sire Little Steel Dust AQHA #0996064
100% NFQHA Foundation & 41% Poco Bueno. Sired multiple AQHA Reining ROMs, World Show top ten team penning, Youth ROM, IBHA Reining ROM, IBHA Dun Factor ROMs, NRHA money earners, NFQHA National Champions, COAs, and In Hand Trail Futurity Champion. Little Steel Dust was a leading NFQHA Sire in multiple categories. AQHA Halter Champion/IBHA points in: Hunt Seat, Dun Factor. Sire of: ROM & point earners in Reining, Roping, Team Penning, NRHA Money Earners, NFQHA National Champions. Leading Sire of NFQHA In Hand Trail Points, IBHA & ABRA Dun Factor & ROM.
Sired 211 foals (1980-2003).